
It's been a while (cue bad Britney sound track)

Hellooo internets! Sorry it's been a while, life has been a bit of a whirlwind! My Louisiana family decided to take a road trip down to Texas last weekend, so I decided to meet up with them. Coincidentally it was also the same weekend as Jasons El Scorcho race, and Cindys visit at the lakehouse. Oh yeah, and if that wasn't enough I had a 5 hour grant writing class to squeeze in there somewhere. Seriously it makes me sleepy just to think about that weekend again! So, Im sure you understand why I had to take a few days to just recoup. Anyways, on with the pictures!
Emily and I. Would you look at how much that girl has grown? I swear she is almost as tall as I am and GOOOOOORgeous 

Dad, Hayden and Carson under a big tree. We found out later that about 1 wedding per day happens under this tree. Whoops!

So after walking for what seemed like 5 hours we finally found a place that the kids would eat. Unfortunately for this veggie girl it was a steak place.... which meant I could eat cheese sticks. Ah well, at least I was with my fam!

A quick stop at the ice cream store was a must. Carson decided to show me that he could fit the whole ice cream cone in his mouth. It was really funny. 

Most people who have travelled with me know that I'm not a huge 'tourist' kind of traveller, so doing something like the riverboat cruise was a little out of character for me. The kids were so excited to go on it, and I think after steak (or cheesesticks) and ice cream it was pretty much a necessity. 

Unfortunately, by the time we got there they were no longer doing Alamo tours for the day. So the kids and I looked for Daniel Boones name (and were never able to find it) and settled for a picture in front. 

On Saturday, we had breakfast and then it was time to hit the road again. I went to a super interesting grant writing class up at UT, the decided at the last minute that Kati and I should make the drive to see Jason. It was the 3rd annual El Scorcho race, and while I knew they had a large crowd this year, I thought 2 more visitors couldnt hurt- Kati and I! I think Jason was pretty shocked to see us, which made the 3.5 hour drive totally worth it. 

I somehow managed to convince him to come back to Austin with me, under the guise that I would drive and he could ride the train back home on Tuesday. In classic Jason style, all he heard was 'come sleep in the car'. 


On Sunday, we headed out to the lake to meet Cindy and Jim.  A friend of theirs graciously volunteered their amazing lake house. Cindy, how on earth did we go a whole day without me getting a picture of us???? I did manage to snag one of the sunset from the observatory. Would you believe this view??!!!

On Monday it was back to the grind, but I have to give props to my friend Danielle for introducing me to Bananarchy this week. It's this fun little hut that serves chocolate, or vanilla or carmel covered frozen bananas. Not that I ever get tired of snow cones, but theoretically it's a nice option during the summer in case you do. 

Danielle was smart and only got a 1/2 

But I pretty much insisted on getting a whole. I was only able to eat like 2/3 of it before I was stuffed, so I guess I'll know better next time!

Thanks for checking in and have a great weekend!

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