
happenings: girls night, a trophy and the best italian soda

Hellloo there! Long time no post. Sorry for the delay, I managed to lose my camera sync cord and had to find a replacement in order to download pictures. I'm really sad that this is my last week in Austin, so I'm sure I'll be posting several times over the next few days. Here are the happenings of the last week or so. 
Before Hana left for Houston we decided to have a girls night. We ordered pizza, had a *ahem* few bottles of wine and watched Coraline. Danielle is a bit star wars fan, and we had a lot of fun playing with her helmet when we got to her house. Apparently her sister gave it to her for Christmas, and she has assured us she does not dress up at conventions :0)
Here's Hana trying out the hat 

I was so excited when I realized that Coraline was 3-d! Of course like old people we all started getting head aches and complaining like 20 minutes into the movie and changed it over to 2-d but it was fun!

I had my last weekend to hang out in Austin by myself. So what did I do? Ruined my dinner by eating frozen yogurt instead. Kati came along for the ride, but was too distracted to take a proper date picture. 

That weekend, one of the interns also hosted a 'college theme' party. You had to wear a college shirt, look scrubby and play beer pong. Here was the lovely trophy. 

I arrived a little late and decided to bring everyone a snack. In college we always ate taco c (taco cabana) on nights out, so I made quick stop to get chips, queso and tortillas before arriving. I'm pretty sure the boys were pleased. Here is Paul and Ryan sampling. 

Here is Sara and Jeff showing off their bracket. Surprisingly these two were winning!

So I love Italian Soda, and kept hearing about this candy shop in south Austin with the best flavors. A few days later I hauled Danielle down for a little treat and we also made our way next door to the toy store. Isnt this creepy!! Oh and as a side note, my arm is fine. My thumb has been hurting so the doctor put me in a stabilizing brace for a week or so to rest. 

That's all for now! We'll see you soon!

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